Amy Latham » Home


Hello!  I am excited to teach third grade this year.  I have B.S. and M.Ed degrees in Elementary Education from Lander University.  I have taught elementary and primary school for 35 years. I am honored to have been selected as Greenwood 52's Teacher of the Year in 2000.


I am married to Marc Latham, who works at Ninety Six High School.  We have three children and a daughter-in-law: Kevin, a personal finance/geography teacher at Ninety Six High School and his wife, Keri, a first grade teacher in Greenwood; Mackenzie, an Airman in the US Air Force Reserves and a student at Lander University; and Ryan, a graduate student at Clemson University.  We also have five fur babies:  Matilda, Noel, Roscoe, Huck, and Sadie Mae. For fun, I love to read, work puzzles (especially word puzzles and Sudoku), watch football, and research family history.  Some of my ancestors have been in America since the 1600's!

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Amy Latham
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Mrs. Latham´s Schedule


7:50--8:15 Breakfast, Attendance, Announcements, Morning Work


8:15--9:05 ELA Thrive Time


9:05--9:10 Restroom Break


9:10--10:10 ELA-- Instruction, Personalized Learning


10:50--11:00 Restroom break


11:00--11:20 Recess


11:20--11:30 Read Aloud


11:35--12:05 Lunch


12:05--1:15 Math


1:15--1:55 Math Thrive Time


1:55--2:00 Pack Up


2:00-2:50 Related Arts