On Task
Always Prepared
All Settings
- Use appropriate voices.
- Use kind words.
- Listen to/follow directions.
- Give your best effort.
- Follow the dress code.
- Honor others’ personal space.
- Exit your car/bus safely.
- Listen for adult directions.
- Walk.
- Enter quietly.
- Go directly to designated area.
- Eat breakfast first.
- Have all materials ready for the day.
- Know your dismissal plan.
- Talk quietly to classmates if allowed.
- Turn in notes/money to your teacher.
- Ready to go at 7:50.
- Follow bus driver’s directions.
- Use quiet voices.
- Respect others’ property.
- Stay seated in your assigned seat.
- Face the front.
- Walk to/from seat.
- Be ready and on time.
- Keep book bag packed and in your lap.
- Report problems to an adult.
- Honor others’ personal space.
- Be quiet and patient in line.
- Use good table manners.
- Listen for directions.
- Eat silently for the first 5 minutes.
- Face table with hands, feet, and utensils to self.
- Wash your hands with soap before getting in line.
- Get needed items before being seated.
- Remember your lunch choice.
- Eat your food only.
- Keep your area clean.
- Pick up your trash, carry your tray, and travel safely to the trash can.
- Use and carry chromebook and accessories with care.
- Follow adult directions.
- Adhere to the chromebook usage policy.
- Keep chromebook charged.
- Keep charger with chromebook.
- Carry the chromebook in the provided case when traveling.
- Keep food and drink away from chromebook.
- Use inside voice.
- Raise hand to speak.
- Listen to speaker.
- Follow directions.
- Complete assignments.
- Use time wisely.
- Bring materials.
- Come rested and ready.
- Honor personal space.
- Use materials correctly.
- Keep workspace neat and clean.
- Quietly listen/watch for name or bus.
- Listen for and follow adult directions.
- Walk.
- Exit quietly.
- Stay in assigned area.
- Have all belongings with you.
- Know transportation plans prior to dismissal.
- Go immediately to assigned areas quietly.
- Walk quietly.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- Stop at teachers’ designated stopping points.
- Keep line together.
- Walk directly to destination.
- Carry book bags correctly.
- Stay right in the “Paw Print Lane.”
- Honor personal space.
Media Center
- Use library voice.
- Treat books carefully.
- Check out “Just Right” books.
- Make selection promptly.
- Keep shelves tidy.
- Push in chairs.
- Follow directions.
- Take turns and share.
- Solve problems with kind words.
- Use equipment as designed.
- Watch and listen for directions.
- Dress appropriately.
- Know and follow game rules.
- Stay in designated area.
- Return equipment to cart.
- Carry personal belongings inside.
- Keep restrooms clean.
- Respect others’ privacy.
- Enter/exit quickly and quietly.
- Use facilities properly.
- Wash hands with soap before leaving.
- Report problems to adults.
- Always flush.
- Only use 1-2 towels.